Saturday, 30 April 2011

Sunday, 24 April 2011

This weeks music

If Lady Gaga's style met Kim Kardashian's look with Kesha's backing tune you'd get British born Natalia Kill my new one to watch.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Sucker Punch

First it’s one of the saddest and beautiful films I’ve seen recently. Many things make it this, the soundtrack for one, the expression in Emily Browning’s eyes and the direction. If you like how Watchmen and Sin city looked then this will aesthetically please you. It mixes modern computer games CGI with old fashion streets and clothes which works for me.

This had more story then I thought and was at times moving, the dialogue at times wasn’t great but to be honest it didn’t even need words. Music and facial expressions made your heart break for Baby doll.

No one expected Shawshank redemption but this isn’t half bad. It may be a teenage boys wet dream but it have some thought.

PS. hottest cast since Inception.